
Connecting TikTok

TikTok has live streaming capabilities, and Streamaze supports their live chat and gift notifications. To connect to TikTok, all you'll need is the username of your TikTok account.

TikTok GiftTikTok Gift in Dashboard

Connecting Live Chat

To connect the TikTok live chat, go to the Settings page (opens in a new tab) of the Dashboard and add your username to the TikTok Username field. Then, click Save.

TikTok Setting

Your TikTok live chat will now appear in the Dashboard.

Connecting Gifts

To connect TikTok gifts, simply add your TikTok username to the Donation Settings section of the Settings page (opens in a new tab) and click Save.

Gifts worth more than $0.01 will now be shown in the Dashboard.

TikTok Gift