
Connecting Lanyard

Lanyard is a service that we use to attach stream information to a Discord account. This is required for most of the Streamaze widgets to function properly.

To setup Lanyard, we only need 2 pieces of information: your Discord ID and your Lanyard API key. Read the next sections to learn how to get these.

Get Your Discord ID

To get your Discord ID, go to your Discord settings and enable Developer Mode. This is under the "Advanced" tab.

Enable Dev Mode

Then, right click on your profile and click "Copy ID." Paste this ID somewhere safe.

Copy ID

Get Your Lanyard API Key

Required: You must "Allow direct messages from server members" in your Discord privacy settings for the bot to respond to you.

Discord Permission

Get Your Key

  1. Join the Lanyard Discord channel (opens in a new tab)
  2. Find the Lanyard bot in the members list (Lanyard#5766)
  3. Send a DM to the bot with the message .apikey

The response will be your API key for Lanyard. Copy this and paste it somewhere safe.


This key should be kept private, as it allows anyone to set data in your Lanyard profile! You can generate a new one by sending .apikey again.

Getting API Key

How to Use

Go to the Settings page (opens in a new tab) from the Dashboard sidebar and find the Lanyard API section near the bottom. Paste your Discord ID and Lanyard API key into the fields and click Save.

Lanyard Settings